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Providing Innovative And Sustainable Solutions

Terraseeding is the process of applying composted organic soil with grass (or other plant) seed injected, performed by a blower truck. It is regarded as a superior, high volume, and quality alternative to hydro seeding. By introducing new organic rich compost as a base for the seed, the additional seed has a much greater chance of germinating and taking root.

Terraseeding is a great option for creating brand new lawns, stabilizing slopes, as well as for storm ponds or stream channels. We offer a variety of different turf and wildflower seed blends depending on your specific application.

Enriching your soil's organic matter

One excellent reason to pneumatically seed is to introduce nutritious compost which will, in turn, build your turf or natural habitat. We use an all-organic, weed-free, and disease-free compost. When you order our Terraseeding service you can have confidence knowing you’re getting the best.


  • Seed is insulated by warm and damp soil resulting in a high rate of germination
  • Smooth and even finished product with no further levelling required
  • Increases water saturation capacity of soil
  • Improves plant rooting system

We generally recommend a 1” layer for brand new applications (1 cubic yard per 300 square feet of surface area). For topdressing established turf please refer to our topdressing & seed page. 1/3″ (1 yard per 1000 sq ft) is recommended in that scenario.

Let's get started!

Don’t take a risk on hydroseeding your next project. Real organic compost is the tried and true upgrade to ensure your customer’s satisfaction.